Aarogya Path Care
First Floor, 1/29, Mall Rd, Block 1, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi, 110018

If there is more pain MU than LIV , then (4) med. Clockwise. T1/T2 Raman is to be given in the New Star Modified trt. and if there is more pain in the LIV then Raman is not to be given.

Toe-Fingers given softly without causing pain to the patient is more effective

(½) KU 20 seconds is antiseptic, stimulates production of granulocytes which function in the blood and monocytes which function in tissues.

Two mild trts. of Acid/New Gene trt. are more effective than one strong trt.

In paralysis, (I) M.HEP 5 mins. (II) M.HEP/G.HEP + SPEECH trt. gives better results.

New trt. for relieving extremely painful condition in PAN has been discovered.

A better line of trt. for Cancer has been developed.

GAL is not to be given in disease of inflammation.

Oxygen treatment increases the supply of oxygen to all the body cells including the villi of the intestine which helps in the absorption of nutrients and gives relief from many ailments. 2 times (8) CH along with (6) Stretch, one at the start and the other at the end, is given in cases where Plasmin/Heparin trt. is prescribed.

Folded Legs teatment is an Inflammation trt. and clear the Kidneys, Bladder and Uterus.

Toe Fingers and New Nabhi set treatments clear Abdominal problems.

B-12 deficiency is diagonised as pain at the upper end of the left femur.

B-12 Treatment is now given as (8) Left Parkhoo only. It corrects related anemia and gives relief from full left side body pains.

Folic Acid deficiency is diagonised as pain at the upper end of the right femur. Folic acid treatment is now given as (8) Right Parkhoo only. It corrects related anemia, gives relief from full right side body pains and also paralysis due to Thiamine deficiency.

Mesencephalon treatments

(4) Mesencephalon stimulates part of the Mid-brain for secretion of Norepinephrine and calmsdown the Hyperactive condition of the brain.

(12) Mesencephalon has been effective in correcting the squint in the eye from birth.

Basal Ganglion treatment stimulates the group of nerve cells at the base of the brain and the treatment has been found effective in patients with Ataxia who suffer from defective muscular coordination and are unstable in their walk, going to and fro while walking.

NT Formula: (½) KU - 40 sec for Pineal gland

15) Medulla for Acetyle‐choline

(6) Swt. for Norepinephrine

(8) Medulla for Seratonin

(3) Gal &(7) Liv which produces blood during fetus stage.

Different doses of Pancreas Stimulations produce different biochemicals

(2) Pan. produces harmone Somatostatin. 6 trts.with a gap of 90 sec. given every 2 hours gives relief to cancer patients

(4) Pan produces Glucagon harmone which raises the blood sugar ,therefore not to be given in Diabetes but helps in Hypoglycemia

(8) Pan produces enzymes and Sodium Bi‐Carbonate.

(10) Pan produces Insulin which helps in sugar metabolism


UDF treatment : (undigested food present in the stools) is given in Inflammation and infection. It increases the Hydrochloric acid of the stomach which helps in formation of Pepsin to digest the proteins and also kill all the pathogens like bacteria and virus in the stomach .It gives relief from many ailments of stomach, colitis, Cervical Spondylitis, Lumbar spondylosis, Menstrual problems, fits in CP. children, Parkinson, MS. Etc.
Formula : (15) Medulla‐‐90 seconds gap
(½) Ku‐20 seconds ‐‐90 seconds gap
(½) Ku‐20 seconds‐‐90 seconds
(10) Medulla (8) Pan (1) Gas only‐6 points

6 treatments with 1 minute gap between each trt. every hours for all liver problems like Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Spleen enlargement, etc.

Half kundali treatment

(½) Ku 20 seconds 4 treatments with 90 seconds gap between each treatment after 5 minutes

(½) Ku 20 seconds 4 treatments with 90 seconds gap between each treatment The treatment is for stomach disorders and Fits.

(½) Ku 40 seconds 4 times with 90 seconds gap between each treatment after 5 minutes

(½) Ku 40 seconds 4 times with 90 seconds gap between each treatment

This treatment is for Nervous system disorders like Paralysis, Mental retardation, Parkinson, Ataxia etc.

Left ovary treatment :

(20) TF Lt. Ov., (6) NNS Lt. Ov. (1) Lt. Ov 3 treatments with a gap of 90 seconds between each treatment.

The Treatment has been found to lower the Creatinine level in Urine in nephrotic syndrome, Diabetes. Multiple Sclerosis and left side body pains

For Ankylosing Spondylitis, Paralysis, Angina, Heart disorders, Bamboo Spine, Arthritis, stiffness developed after accident is also relieved. It removes Calcification from the wrong places,

4) Para

A Hep.

For High Cholesterol, Heart disorders., Hematoma, Arthritis, Kidney disorders and Paralysis, to make Thymus Hypo and reduce calcification from the clots with Lt. Ov.

20 TF Lt. Ov. 6 NNS Lt.ov. (1) Lt. Ov.

(10) Pan (2) Thrd

(4) Para (1pt.) Liv

Mild acid trt., if Bp. is not high (8)Pan (1) Gal. (3) Mu (1) Acid pt (4) Ch only

A Hep


For Fits (8) Medulla for Serotonin, it is also found, to make Pancreas hypo and has been found effective even in those who had been suffering from a long time.

For Vitilago (Leucoderma)

20 TF Gal 6 NNS Gal (1) Gal




For all stomach problems, back pain, Hernia in pelvic region, Tilt, Sciatica pain and Menstrual problems

1) Gas only (6pts) (1) Gas I (6pts)

(1) Gal (1) Spl. (1) Liv.(3pts) (1) Mu (3pts.) (1) Rt.ov (1) Lt. Ov.

(3) Pan (1) WD (2) Ch. only (5) Round arrow

For Abdominal pains and pains of back, knees & other joints

6) Big Toe Gas ‐for 12 seconds


Organ Clearance

For Writer's Cramps, Autism & Parkinson disorders

(15) Medulla ‐ for acetyle choline

4) Mesencephalon ‐ for norepinephrine from the brain

(6) Swt ‐ for norepinephrine from ADR Medulla for peripheral nerves

(8) Medulla ‐ for serotonin

For Myasthenia Gravis I & II (15) Medulla ‐ for Acetyl choline

For Chorea with pain in Muo

((4) Medulla Clockwise T1/T2, Raman trt.

New Star Modified trt.

For severe Constipation

20) Toe finger & (6) NNS ‐‐Lt Gas, Rt Gas, Lt Pan, Rt Pan, Gal, Liver, Spleen, Mu, Lt. Ov.

(1) Gas only‐‐6 points, (1) Gas I‐‐6 points (1) Liv‐‐3 points (1) Gal‐‐3 points (2) Spl. (2) Mu (2) Lt.Ov.

For Cancer

From 1st to 4th day A) 6 treatments of (2) Pan with a gap of 90 seconds between 2 treatments Repeat every 2 hours for 24 hours. From 5th to 8th day

6 treatments of (2) Pan with a gap of 90 seconds between 2 treatments Repeat every 2 hours for 12 hours.

6 treatments of (1) Gas only with a gap of 90 seconds between 2 treatments Repeat every 2 hours for the next 12 hours.


6 treatments of (1) Thymus (1) Lymph (1) Spleen with a gap of 90 seconds From 13th day onwards

First 8 hours A) treatment

Next 8 hours B) treatment

Next 8 hours C) treatment

New Abdomen treatment to clear problems in Stomach, Intestine, Lungs and Kidneys

(3) Old Nabhi Set, (6)Toe fingers, (3)New Nabhi set

(1) Gas only ‐ 6 points

(1) Gal. (1)Spl. (1)Liv ‐ 3 points (1)Mu – 3 points

(3) Pan (1)Gal (2)Liv ‐ 3 points (1)gasI – 6 points

(1) Liv (1)Mu (2)Ch.only (5)Round arrow

(3) Pan (1) Wd (2) Ch. Only, ( 5)Round Arrow

Treatment for hurt/fracture where Thymus cannot be given

(1) Gal (4) Liv. (8)Ch.only‐‐‐x 2 times

C. Hep (8)Ch only (8)Pan (7)Liv. (8)Ch.only

New Pelvic Point introduced by Shri Sunderajanji from Pondicherri for treating Back pain. It was modified by Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra to also treat Tilt, Knee pain, Thighs‐legs pain & Slip disc. Shri Prit Palji showed still more effective method, followed at Punjab, of continuously applying pressure for 90 seconds at the Pelvic point. For Joints' pain‐‐ Arthritis

1st treatment

(5) necklace

(3) Raman if there is pain in third fingers

(2) Right Parkhoo‐‐ X 6 times if there is pain in folic acid point

2) Left Parkhoo ‐‐ X 6 times if there is pain in the B 12 point

2nd treatment

5) necklace (3)Raman

(10) Organ Clearance

(10) Organ Clearance ‐‐‐do‐‐‐

(10) Sacral clearance

(10) Sacral clearance ‐‐‐do‐‐‐‐

3rd treatment

After that UDF or Abdomen or A. Hep according to the needs of the patient may be given *An interesting information

A patient suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis was not getting relief from pain even after many days of Neurotherapy treatments. On enquiry, she told Guruji that she kept her windows closed at night. Guruji told her to keep the windows open at night. Then she started getting relief with Neurotherapy treatments. This can be explained that she was getting less oxygen at night, which led to accumulation of carbon dioxide in the body leading to acidity and pains.


Round Abdoman Normal Trt : Abdoman Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Arthritis, Tilt

20) Tf “Gas : Gas I : Pan : Pan : Rt Ov : Liv : Gal : Spl : Mu : Lt Ov”
(6) Nns “Gas : Gas I : Pan : Pan : Rt Ov : Liv : Gal : Spl : Mu : Lt Ov”

(1) Gas Only 6 Pts : (1) Gas I 6 Pts (8) Pan (1) Pt. Rt Ov (1) Pt. Liv
(1) Pt. Gal (1) Pt. Spl (1) Pt. Mu (1) Pt. Lt. Ov (4) Ch Only X 3 Trts

New UDF Trt : Any infection or inflammation, abdomen problems, arthritis, knee pain, cervical pain, UDF

(3) Raman Trts

(2) Rt. Parkhoo (2) Lt. Parkhoo

(½) Ku 20 Sec. X 6 Trts

(1) Gas Only 6 Pts

(8) Pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3 Pts (1) Gas I 6 Pts

Treatment for Increase oxygen, blood clots, paralysis, coma patients

(½) Ku 20 Sec. X 2 Trts + (2) Thrd

P. Hep : (8) Pan (7) Liv (8) Ch Only

P. Hep : (8) Pan (7) Liv (8) Ch Only

Organ Clearance for activating 31 pairs of nerves & related organs
Sacral Clearance for activating Sacral nerves & related organs
Diabetes (Patient on Insulin)

(4) Thrd

(2) Thrd

P. Hep.

(4) Thrd

(2) Thrd


Immunity Treatment

(3) Necklace

(3) Raman Trt

(2) Rt. Parkhoo (2) Lt. Parkhoo

( ½ ) KU 20 sec. X 2 Trts.

( ½ ) KU 6 sec. X 2 Trts.

*If there is UDF, then add

(1) Gas only 6Pts.

(8) Pan (1) Gal 3 Pts. (2) Liv 3 Pts. (1) Gas I 6 Pts.

*If there is CLOT‐Paralysis, then add

P. Hep


*If there are body pains then addTF and NNS

TF and NNS

*If there is Fracture or hurt then add

(1) gall (4) Liv (8) TH. CH *If there is Osteoporosis then add

1,25 DCC

For Parkinson ‐‐ Dopamine (20) Med. (1) Gas ‐‐6 pts. (1) gas I—6 pts (30) Round arrow X 2 trts.

For Swelling

15) Med. Acetylecholine

(3) Swt. Norepinephrine

For Asthma (15) Med. X 3trt.

for Double Vision (3) Med. Cranial No. 3

For UDF/ Abdominal pains:‐ FAST Trt. Gas, Gas I, Gal, Spl., Liv., Mu.,

For Accidental Injury as stated by Sri Sarvananji :‐ (20)TF ‘Gal : Liv.’x 3 Trts.


(12) Med. x2 for Hippocampus

(20) Med. x2 for Dopamine

(8) Med. x2 for Serotonin

(2) Med. x 2 for Gaba,

Gas I‐6 pts. (20) . x2 for Serotonin

1) Pit. For sugar,(2) Para for Calcium,

(2) Gal.,(7) Liv. (8) Lt. Parkhoo for Vit. B12

(3) Adr. for Sodium

Dorsal – for M.D. – for pons (lower part of brain)

Subclavian vein‐lymph trt. – for full body pain (if pain in both 4th finger)

Right Adrenal Medulla trt. (6) Rt. Swt. Releases Alkali and causes constriction Left Adrenal Medulla trt. (6) Lt. Swt. Releases Acid and causes Dilation

For the Heart Problem ‐ (10) Left Medulla For palpitation ‐ (10) Right Medulla

For Lungs & breathing problems – (15) Medulla (5) Medulla x 3 Trts.

For Cranial Nerves –

(1) Medulla – Smell

(2) Medulla – Vision (Optic Nerve)

(2) Medulla – Vision (Optic Nerve)

(3) Medulla – Eye movement, Double vision, squint

(4) Medulla – Eye movement, Reducing Saliva, Heart Problem – Heart Enlargement

(5) Medulla – Facial sensation, for lung’s cough & cold, breathing

(6) Medulla – Lateral eye movement, squint, hypo thalamus


(7) Medulla – Facial movement, muscles of face, numbness of face, Bell’s palsy

(8) Medulla – Hearing and balance, Jaw movement

(9) Medulla – Throat function

(10) Medulla – Swallowing, Heart Rate, Abdomen Organ

(11) Medulla – Neck and Upper back movement, frozen shoulder

(12) Medulla – Tongue movement

For Shoulder

(11) Rt. Medulla – for dislocation of shoulders

(11) Lt. Medulla – for frozen shoulders

For Joint Pain -


Fast – Gas, Gas I, Gal, Spl, Liv, Mu W.D.

New Star Modified If too much pain then include “MukhaDhauti”

For Ankylosing Spondylosis -

(½) KU-20 sec. x 12 trt.

Fast – Gas, Gas I, Gal, Spl, Liv, Mu, W.D. Patients bent forward have become straight to certain extent

For Lack of Breast Milk -

THRD “P” (Prolactin)

Para (Oxytocin) Breast’s Milk will increase within a day

For Eye Problems – (2) Medulla alongwith the following

Rt. Parkhoo (Folic acid)

Rt. Parkhoo (Thaimin)

Lt. Parkhoo (B12)

Lt. Parkhoo (Naicin) Check the above and give for various diseases and at the end give Fast trt. Oxygen‐ hormonal treatment :‐

Oxygen – (2) (1) (3) organ clearance (5)

(1) Liv° (1) Mu°

2) Ch only

(3) Folded legs (6) TF (3) NNS

(2) Raman x 1 trt

(2) Folic

(2) Thia

(2) B12

(2) Nia

Fast (10) Medulla Gas : Gas I : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : W.D.

1) Pit (1) Thrd (1) Adr (½) Ku – 20 secs

Ajay Normal (8) Pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3 point (1) Gas I 6 point
For Back Pain, Mental Retardation, Abdomen disorder, M.S , M.N, Myopathy, Neuropathy
New Eyes Ghisai treatment
New Gal Treatment

Fast – Gas : Gas I : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : W.D.

Ajay Normal (8) pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3 point (1) gas I 6 point

(6) TF Gal (1)pt. Gal X 6 trt

(15) MedullaChole Treatment: (10) Medulla (6) Gas I 3point (3) Gal. For Any Skin problem, Antiseptic, Severe Constipation, Damaged Ligament and Cartilages, Hyperness, Autism etc (If mother had any skin problem during pregnancy, then give this treatment to the child.

New Star Acid treatment :‐

(6) W.D. (8) Ch. Only (20) For Osteo‐Arthritis, Any Joints Pain, Back Pain, Cervical/Neck Pain This should be ‘//given only to those patients who have pain in 4th Lt. Finger. After 1 Minute ask the patient to do (10) Mukha dhouti – Repeat it in intervals of one minute till pain in 4th Lt. Finger goes away.

New Star Alkali treatment :‐

6) Gal (½) Ku – 20 Sec. (20) For Osteo‐Arthritis, Any Joints Pain, Back Pain, Cervical/Neck Pain This should be given only to those patients who have pain in 4th Rt. Finger. If there is pain in 4th fingers of both hands, then first give New Star Acid Trt. and Mukhdhouti till there is no pain in 4th Lt. Finger and after 2 minutes give New Star Alkali Trt. If the pain is only in Mu or Acid or 4th left finger then Lt. Ch. Only will be more effective.

UDF Treatment (one more version : Ref. Newsletters Vol 5, 10 & 12)

(15) Medulla

(½) Ku – 20 Sec. X 4 trt.

(2) Rt. Parkhoo (2) Lt. Parkhoo

Fast – (10) Medulla : Gas : Gas I : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : W.D.

Ajay Normal (8) pan (1) Gal (2) Liv‐3 points (1) gas I‐6 points

HCL Treatment – (Acetylcholine+ Histamine + Gastrin)

(15) Medulla

(½) Ku – 6 Sec. X 1 trt.
(1)Pt. Gal X 1 trt.

Lt. Parkhoo B12 2 : 2

Fast – (10) Medulla : Gas : Gas I : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : W.D.
v. Ajay Normal (8) pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3 point (1) gas I 6 point


Infection Inflammation Treatment

(½) Ku – 13 Sec. X 6 trt.

(1) Lymph (2) Th. Ch. (1) Pt. Spl (6) Adr X 6 Trts.


UDF, HCl and Infection inflammation treatments when given on the same day are excellent for the following : Abdominal disorders, Bamboo spine.

Additional treatment For Fits Instruct the patient to take blood test to check the level of – Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Sugar, Ammonia and Chloride.

If the Ammonia or Chloride is on higher side – Trt. is as follows

(1) Gas Only 6 pt. (1) Gas I 6 pt. X 3 trts.

(6) Tf. “Liv.” (1) pt. Liv. (1) Liv (1) Mu x 6 treatments

Treatment For Low count of Platelets, S.L.E., Scleroderma, Inflammation, Auto Immune Disorder or any Genetic disorder, This is also known as Pinky Trt.

Rt. Parkhoo FA 2:4:4

Rt. Parkhoo Thia 2:4:4

Lt. Parkhoo B12 2:4:4

Lt. Parkhoo Nia 2:4:4

(½) Ku – 20 Sec. X 4 trts.

(1) Liv (1) Mu X 3 trts.

(1) Gas Only 6 pt.

(1) Pt. Gal (2) Liv (1) Mu

(1) Thrd (1) Pan (1) Pt. Gal (2) Liv (1) Pt. Gas I

(6) Adr (6) Swt

This set should be repeated 3 times (ie. 10 Steps X 3 = One whole Trt). In severe cases, the whole trt. should be given 3 times a day. ie. 10 Steps X 3 to be repeated in morning, afternoon and late evening.

(3) Raman Trt. X 6 Trts

(2) Rt. Parkhoo (2) Lt. Parkhoo.

(½) Ku – 20 Sec. X 4 trt.

Fast – (10) Medulla : Gas : Gas I : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : W.D. V. Ajay Normal (8) pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3 point (1) gas I 6 point

(6) Medulla (4) Thrd ‘P’ (7) Liv (2) Thrd (4) Adr After 15 Minutes

Oxygen Trt. – (8) Ch. Only (1) ← → (6) (3) (20) (6) (3)

(6) Medulla (4) Thrd ‘P’ (7) Liv (2) Thrd (4) Adr The above set of treatment can be given to the patient who is not getting pregnant due to any reason.


For Pains after Chikungunya

All 150 patients in the 2 days’ NT camp at Aagaar (M.P).were given the trt. for and all reported 90% relief

Left Calf Muscle ghisai x 1 trt. + Mukhadhouti (till 4th fingers pain remove)

(1) Pt. Liv x 3 trt.

(1) Liv 3 Pt. x 3 trt.

(1) Liv 6 Pt. X 3 trt.

Fast: Gas only : GasI : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : Wd

Ajay Normal : (8) Pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3Pt. (1) Gas I 6 Pt.

For Cataract, Osteophytes & Excess Calcium deposition

(4) Para (7)Liv (8)Lt. Ch. only. (6) Lt. Adr

Fast: Gas only : GasI : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : Wd

Ajay Normal : (8)Pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3Pt. (1) Gas I 6 Pt.

For Cataract, Osteophytes & Excess Calcium deposition

(4) Para (7)Liv (8)Lt. Ch. only. (6) Lt. Adr

Fast: Gas only : GasI : Gal : Spl : Liv : Mu : Wd

Ajay Normal : (8)Pan (1) Gal (2) Liv 3Pt. (1) Gas I 6 Pt.

For Paralysis, Asthma & Haematoma PT Hep. (8) Pan (7) Liv (8) Th.Ch only

For Burning In Urine and whole body due to constriction of Urinary Bladder (15) Lt.Medulla (6) Lt. Swt. X 3trt. Gave relief in 1 trt in Madhya Pradesh

For Removing Calcium from the Bone

(4) Para (7) Liv (8) Ch. Only (10) Adr

P.T.Hep.: (8) Pan (7) Liv (8) Th.+Ch.

For Removing Calcium from the Muscles

(4) Para (8) Ch. Only (10) Adr

P.T.Hep.: (8) Pan (7) Liv (8) Th.+Ch.

Our Presence

Delhi  /  Gurugram  /  Faridabad  /  Manesar  /  Ballabhgarh  /  Bahadurgarh  /  Noida  /  Greator Noida  /  Ghaziabad  /  Chandigarh  /  Panchkula  /  Zirakpur  /  Mohali  /  Jalandhar  /  Ludhiana